3 IG Reels Ideas That Your Audience Will ACTUALLY Watch

woman making IG reels

Photo Credit: Christina Jones Photography


If there’s one thing we Babe Crafters talk about a lot, it’s IG Reels.

What do you post, how often do you post, and do you have to show your face on camera? 

Even with all the advice from fellow members and even the content workshops we host, it’s still a question that pops up at least once a month. And I can guess it’s the same reason you’re reading this now:

What do people actually want to watch on Instagram Reels?

You’ve heard all the same recycled tips and tricks. Today, let’s talk about something new. 

RELATED: How to Create Reels That Connect with Your Dream Clients

3 IG Reels Ideas That Your Audience Will ACTUALLY Watch

Here’s the advice I see the most often when it comes to how to do reels on IG:

  • Use trending audio and fit it to your niche.

  • Give 3 quick tips related to your area of expertise.

  • Tell people to read the comment section for the answer (so they’ll keep your video on loop in the background— which means more views for you)

We’re all aware of the importance of IG Reels for growth, but these same strategies are starting to bore your audience. 

Hence, why your views may be down.

Here’s the thing about people giving you social media advice: they usually tell you what’s worked for them. This also means that these IG Reels ideas may work for some of you— but it won’t work for everyone.

The key is to try them out for yourself. And then join our Babe Crafted community to discuss your results!

RELATED: 4 Steps Towards Mastering Video for your Brand

IDEA #1: Share Your Community

Some of my best-performing IG Reels are just B-roll or behind-the-scenes footage of Babe Crafted workshops or events

And while, yes, I did use some tricks like putting text and a trending sound over a short video, the videos I picked are an important part of the strategy. 

Sharing your community is a simple way to invite others to join. You can do this by making a Reel about:

If people like your vibe, they’ll want to join your tribe. 

RELATED: 3 Pieces of Video Equipment You Need Today 

IDEA #2: Relatable Reels

The goal for most business owners when it comes to IG Reels is visibility or brand awareness.

However, it’s not enough for people to see your content. You need to take action. This means liking, commenting, and following people who are in your target audience.

I’ve personally found that the best way to get people to stick around is to be relatable. Here are two examples of Relatable Reels that have helped grow my audience:

IDEA #3: Show Them What They’re Missing

Ultimately, people want one of three things: to survive, thrive, or join a tribe. (thanks, Storybrand by Donald Miller!).

So, teach your audience how to: 

  • Survive: Tell your story of hardships, hurdles, and triumphs. Aspirational content is huge on IG Reels.

  • Thrive: Give them a simple step-by-step of how to do something in your line of work (or industry).

  • Join a Tribe: Showing who’s in your community is an excellent way to get views and show your potential audience, customer, or client what they’re missing out on.

Also, don’t forget to use the caption to further highlight your community’s stories, their reviews, or your personal feelings toward your community. 

Don’t you want regular content advice like this? Join our Digital Babe Crafted Community for monthly video tutorials, virtual events, and 30+ workshop replays on managing your content (and your business)!

Disclaimer: The business owners featured in this blog are members of Babe Crafted (at the time of publishing).


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