7 CEOs Share How They Set Boundaries in Their Business


Hey, hey! Let’s talk about the “B” word– Boundaries! It’s impossible to do 2 things without boundaries… 1) enjoy your day-to-day experience as a business owner and 2) scale your business. Without boundaries, you’re headed for burnout city. Thankfully we have 7 amazing She-E-Os to share what boundaries they have in their business and how it’s helped them maintain their sanity & joy. 

Take a peek & let’s meet in the comments– answer this question: what’s a boundary you’d like to incorporate in your biz?


Ashlee Hamon | Ashlee Hamon Photography // IG

"Boundaries are beautiful! That's my favorite mantra. I've learned that they are the best way to take care of ourselves, our businesses, and our clients. Setting a boundary allows you to decide what circumstances, environments, and even deadlines SUPPORT you. I quickly realized that I could only be available by email M-F from 10-4 and included "this inbox is not checked SAT-SUN" in my email signature. I also have auto replies to inquiries that repeat my inbox availability, plus let them know that they may not hear from me for 72 hours. I also decided to stop fighting crowds and never having a weekend day for my own life and set a boundary for when sessions could be booked. I know that I can only make my best work if I have the energy to and if our location is used into sunset on a Wednesday or Thursday.

These simple boundaries on just my time and availability keep me so much more organized and relaxed.”

Tampa, FL


Christina Jones | Christina Jones Photography & ColorJoy Stock // IG

“I set boundaries in my business by designating certain days for certain tasks. For example, Monday and Tuesday are my admin days, Wednesday-Saturday are my shoot days and I take Sundays off for family time and self-care. I also only take 3 client sessions per week (it used to be double that!). It helps create more structure in my schedule and prevent burnout.”

Tampa, FL


Danielle Ferrari | Valhalla Resale // IG

“No one gets my cell number unless it’s for fun and not work. All written customer communication is communal so no one ever needs me specifically. My employees are authorized and expected to make necessary business decisions without me. They know not to ask me if something is “ok.”

Tampa, FL


Kristin Berry | The Dashing Ginger // IG

“Set clear expectations from the get go, especially with clients! That can be for deliverables, payment, communication, etc. literally anything and everything that helps YOU be productive and successful....and sane.”

St. Pete, FL


Natasha Samuel | Shine With Natasha // IG

"I set boundaries in my business by actually sticking to my business hours. This might seem super simple, but the shift has been such a game-changer. Whether it's replying to an email or posting on Instagram Stories, I keep it within my weekday Monday through Friday office hours. This helps me set an expectation with my clients, community, and even team that I'm available only when I'm working, not just when people need me. Understanding that most things aren't truly urgent has helped me stick to this. Even as we plan to move towards a 4-day work week in the future, we'll be adjusting these office hours accordingly to help us maintain that boundary of when we are and aren't working.”

Tampa, FL


Sonya Highfield | Real World Creatives // IG

“Don't forget to tell people your working hour boundaries. Especially with so many couples at home together I find it's really important to communicate to your partner when you want quiet/focus/alone time so they can respect/work around your schedule & vise versa.”

Boston, MA


Theresa Chu-Bermúdez | Get Out! Custom Travels // IG

“Being a business owner is never boring because you are constantly learning new things not only about your business but also about yourself. The past 19 months of being in the travel industry during a pandemic has taught me the most about setting boundaries and standing by them. I have instituted a new fee structure that makes sure I get paid even if a trip cancels. I also set reasonable expectations with my clients in terms of turnaround time as well as the current travel atmosphere.

Travel has restarted in many parts of the world, but many travel suppliers who have survived the pandemic are still in the process of bringing back staff. I've also been more selective about the types of trips and clients I will take on in order to protect my peace. At the end of the day, I remind myself that I need to take care of myself in order to be the best travel advisor for my clients.”

Tampa, FL


Disclaimer: The business owners featured in this blog about boundaries are members of Babe Crafted.


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