How 7 Entrepreneurs are Celebrating National Book Lovers Day

Photo by ColorJoy Stock

Babes, August 9th is National Book Lover’s Day! What better way to celebrate than by asking our boss babes to share what they consider is their favorite business book. These books have helped these fellow boss babes in the past and now you can read them to help you on your very own boss babe journey. Time to create that Amazon book list ladies because you’ll be adding all these reads.

xx -Gina

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Jessica Santander of Project Moment Designs // IG

“Girl Code by Cara Alwill was the first book I've read this year and has been a mindset game changer in the way I envision myself as a confident being and believer in the creations I have to offer for the universe. This book also unleashes the fierce queen-like vibes for any woman seeking to create the changes in their life they've always envisioned.”


Tampa, FL

Krista Varnum of Martian Follicles // IG

“Donald Miller's "Building a Story Brand" has awesome tips on how to guide your client to be the hero of your brand.”


St. Pete, FL

Heather S. Saunders of Ameriprise Financial // IG

“I’ve read a lot of business-related books and for me, the biggest game-changers have been “The 4 Disciplines of Execution” by McChesney, Covey, and Huling and “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg. The first book does a really great job of coaching the reader not to just set wild goals, but creates an actionable guide to consistently working toward and meeting those goals. It’s inspired motivation and accountability within our team. And “Lean In” is a book that really inspired me to find my voice, to fight for myself, and when necessary, to fight for what I’m worth.”


Tampa, FL

Christina Maldonado of Boudoir Tampa // IG

“The Power of Broke. Honestly it struck a chord with me because this is where I got my entrepreneurial spirit came from. When you’re so broke, you have nothing to lose, so in turn you take bigger risks that tend to also pay off bigger than someone whom takes small, methodic steps. It created a natural hunger that typically can not be replaced.”


Tampa, FL

Lori Vella of Law Office of Lori Vella // IG

“5 second rule by Mel Robbins– 5 4 3 2 1 and do the thing that you want to do before your mind talks you out of it! what have I done since reading it? hired trademark attorney, got the slogan, opened new york website, created a course for virtual will camp. it is about getting those ideas out there and acting on them NOW!! :)”


St. Pete, FL

Terra Dunham of Book + Bottle // IG

“I love books because they help us grow as people. We can be transported to a life in someone else's shoes or to a place we've never been before. They can also help teach us new skills -- for me, I've been learning about and practicing essentialism which has been a key journey for me as an entrepreneur. My favorite business book is Essentialism by Greg McKeown.”


St. Pete, FL

Gina Moccio | Babe Crafted // IG

“I am currently re-visiting In The Company of Women by Grace Bonney! For me, hearing stories about how women overcome challenges, set goals, and find the path that’s right for them is really inspiring. I’m always on the lookout for nuggets of encouragement to carry around with me so I can use and share them when I need to.”


Tampa, FL


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