2 Fool Proof Ways to Come Up with Blog Content Ideas

Boss Moms Panel Chat at Kendra Scott in May of 2019 // Photo by Christina Jones Photography

Hello there! I’m looking forward to delving into today’s business topic: how to come up with good blog ideas. However, something I’m looking forward to even more is seeing you rock some new, awesome blog content! ;) 

From the outside it may seem like we have endless, constant content. We do! Because I’m always jotting down ideas I come across and I take a lot of inspiration from our members who have a wealth of experience & insight. We are content rich for sure, but the challenge that comes into play for me is finding the time to create said content (check out my post on batch-working here!) and decided what is relevant for today vs. another time in the future. 

But I’m here to say “one challenge at a time, babe!” and share how I think of ideas for blog content for Babe Crafted. First, we get the inspo, then we figure the rest out as far as scheduling goes. 

I come up with content in 2 ways & I would categorize them by ‘internal’ and ‘external’. For me, an internal idea is one that comes from me or a member within our community. An external one is something I see on Pinterest, a conversation happening on Instagram on a societal topic, like burnout, for example. 

Photo by Christina Jones Photography

How I come up with an internal topic:

I am always taking notice of patterns I see— so if see that members are chatting about ideal clients, then I know that this is a topic that would work really well for one or multiple blogs. We have actually written multiple blogs on defining your secret sauce, identifying your niche, etc. because ideal client is a popular & helpful topic we can keep going back to and discuss in different ways. 

I also think about things I do on the regular that other people may have less insight on and want to learn more about. Things like digital branding, social media, events, hosting a contest, blogging, building community, video, etc. 

If it’s a topic that I know other women will find helpful in starting or growing their business, then it’s worth taking the time & energy to create that blog. 

Photo by Christina Jones Photography

How I find an external topic: 

Social media & Pinterest are how I find inspiration and leads on more blog ideas. I spend a fair amount of time interacting with other people’s content to share support & throw some love their way, so when I see a pattern in conversation, like managing money, for example, I take inspiration from that and will jot it down in Trello (where I store all of our content ideas). 

Then I narrow down the topic and offer it up to our members to share some insight and in turn, they’ll get the chance to be seen as an expert & get some social media content once it’s live as well. We do a ton of collaborative content so everyone wins! 

The biggest takeaway from this blog that I want you to have is that content is all around you. You never have to worry about not having something to say! 

Here are some ways to come up with blog ideas for your business: 

1 // Come up with a way to create some content around one or more your most frequently asked questions.

2 // Ask your existing audience what they want to learn more about from you.

3 // Search for key words on Pinterest and see what comes up that people are already searching for.

4 // Spend a bit of time on Instagram showing some love to other people’s social content and find a pattern in conversation, aka a topic that a lot of people seem to be mentioning/interested in.

Happy blogging, babe! Enjoy crafting some relevant content for your potential clients & current audience. Drop any questions or ideas you want me to talk about in the future in the comments & thanks for popping by.

Stay boss. xx -Gina


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