7 Golden Pieces of Entrepreneurial Advice From Women in Business


Hey, girl! Today's spotlight is super special. We’re dropping the most valuable advice received on our entrepreneurial journeys! These lessons are hard-fought & won by our members who have generously shared the guidance that has fueled their success. Pull up a comfy seat and let's dive into a treasure trove of priceless lessons. Glean some entrepreneurial gold and then share which piece of advice resonated for ya the most in the comments.


Teresa O'Brien | Help(her) LLC // IG

“Know your "why;" it will guide you to make every decision. Don't make excuses for it or compare yourself to others- own who YOU are!”

Lakeland, FL


Sophie Robinson | Sophie Robinson, LLC //IG

"Take Messy Action and Ditch Perfectionism!

When starting my business, I wanted everything to be right the first time: my website, my service packages, my onboarding process. I learned that just diving in and taking messy action got me started sooner without delay, and I’ll always be tweaking and changing things along the way! Perfectionism often slows things down, and later, I wished I had just started sooner.

Ironically, I now tell my wedding pro clients this too: don’t wait until you know exactly how to bring on help in your biz with a VA. List the areas you need the most help and go from there, at least you have a starting point. Take messy action and dive in together!"

Riverview, FL


Rana Tierney | Roohi Photography //IG

“My journey as an entrepreneur has been an amazing roller coaster ride. Along the way, I made sure to enjoy the moment, hustle, work hard and play harder, not take a moment for granted and wake up each day with a grateful heart. I learned along the way to take those risks, do it NOW and don't wait for the time to be right, invest in yourself and your craft and be present.”

Parrish, FL


Lynsey Pippen |Little Bus Books // IG

“Developing and truly following a business plan will prevent decision fatigue! By asking yourself questions like, "Does this task follow my vision or mission?" or "Does this request meet the needs of my intended audience?" your decisions will take less time and contemplation. If you are months or years into your business, it's never too late to refocus with the development of a business plan. The best part is you are the owner of your own plan and can readdress it as often as you'd like!”

Lakeland, FL


Kinsey Soderberg | Feel Good Social x Authentic AI //IG

""Have Fun With It"" 👈My mom told me this when I interviewed her for my podcast, and it sounds silly, but it's seriously the best advice ever.

When you can genuinely enjoy the PROCESS of building your business, that's what makes it worth it. If you're just grinding your way to success, it's going to be a loooong exhausting road that *might* be worth it in the end (but also, it might not and/or you may never ""get there"")

Also, when you can have fun in the SELLING process (this is actually what my mom was referring to), your customers will feel your energy. Not only will you enjoy selling more, but you'll also provide a better experience for your customer (and probably see better results to boot!)"

Colorado Springs, CO


Jamie Van Cuyk | Growing Your Team //IG

“The best advice I received has been, ""No one needs to know why you're unavailable, just that you're not available.""

Hearing this taught me that it was okay to protect my time, and I don't have to feel guilty about it. It doesn't matter why - it could be due to a client meeting, the time I spend with my kids when they get out of school, or stepping out of the office for me time - all anyone needs to know is that I'm not available to meet with them at that time. It taught me to stop explaining and give them what they really need - the times I am available for a meeting."

St. Pete, FL


"If you don't quit, you can't lose." I heard this phrase a few years ago and it has stuck with me ever since. This really speaks to the impact of consistently taking action in your business. We can never control the timing of when things happen, but if we don't give up, we will eventually achieve the result we're after! Your success becomes inevitable.”

St. Pete, FL


Disclaimer: The business owners featured in this blog are members of Babe Crafted (at the time of publishing).


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