6 Morning Routines For A Successful Workday


Morning routines help us be intentional about our day // ColorJoy Stock Photo

It’s National Coffee Day, babes! Let’s celebrate the magical drink that keeps us focused and productive by giving you a sneak peek into some babes’ morning routines. These 6 ladies are going to share and inspire things they do each day besides drink coffee that set themselves up for a successful workday. We are even including the products and apps they enjoy best so you can create the perfect morning routine to accompany that cup of joe for yourself.



Ashley Monk | It Media // IG

“Morning Routine: Sunrise alarm clock that wakes my body up 30 min before, meditate, gratitude journal & affirmations, read scripture, light workout, and Bang energy drink..”

Fishers, Indiana


Tiffani Daniel | Your Creative Content // IG

“Right now, I have a cup of coffee next to me (only 2 sips in) which is actually how I end my morning ritual. It starts with pug kisses. After indulging in my bad habit of checking social media, I usually hop over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I’ll either go to the gym with my boyfriend or we’ll go on one of our bike riding adventures. Once we’re back home, I take my time cooking breakfast while casually listening to a podcast or YouTube video (storytime videos are my guilty pleasure). And that’s when I’ll finally sit down at my desk and kick it into high gear with that first sip of coffee!”

St. Pete, FL


Cathleen Dieckhaus | Lily Rose Numbers // IG

“My must-have in the morning is a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee. I roll out of bed and stroll to my Keurig, turn it on, put the pod in and then wait for the blue flashing blue light. Once the blue light blinks, I push the button and hear the wonderful sound of the coffee hitting my cup. I add a drop of milk and a little bit of sweetener to my cup then head to my couch looking out on my pool to reflect on my day ahead. I love this time to myself even if it’s just 5 minutes. It allows me to reflect on what I need to concentrate on to get my business day going.”

Tampa, FL


Cristina O'Connor | Cristina Danielle Creative, LLC // IG

“Though my morning routine has been altered with pregnancy, overall, it looks the same! Unless I have an appointment or morning photo/video shoot, I roll out of bed whenever my body naturally wakes up, so this mama-to-be can get some extra zzz’s. I walk downstairs and start my Mommee Coffee half calf cup of coffee, then bring it out on my patio with whatever mild food my stomach can handle that morning. Then I lounge with my dog and cat while checking emails and the news on my phone, listening to the amazing wildlife in our backyard and occasionally gazing out over the lake and through the trees to see the morning train roll through. Within the hour I am at my computer, ready to get started on client work.”

Tampa, FL


Krista Varnum | Martian Follicles // IG

“My morning routine includes hitting snooze one too many times and then spending some time catching up on social media and the news to wake up my mind. For breakfast I love a cup of coffee with avocado toast or a croissant, and make a pour over with freshly ground Ethiopian beans. I try to buy from local coffee shops when I can and enjoy coffee from Bandit or Craft Kafe. Spending a few moments with my pets in the morning always puts me in a good mood. One of my cats is obsessed with my dog and it's so adorable to watch them interact.”

St. Pete, FL


Christina Maldonado | Boudoir Tampa // IG

“I always take a shower, even if I went to bed late and showered before bed. I love a great skincare routine. Coconut water in the morning with my vitamins and supplements. I try to eat within 30 minutes and also take the dog out.”

Tampa, FL


Lori Vella | Law Office of Lori Vella // IG

“1) Wake up and listen to an audiobook to get my mindset right.

2) Workout as my goal is a killer bod

3) I have a list from the night before of a few things and I tackle them. (eat your frog--do the things you don't want to do first and fast!)

--I'm working on breaking the FB morning routine and email. First, I fill my mind with good stuff and then I accept the problems of the world. I have to be whole first. In the past, I have done the Miracle Morning and affirmations. It is about balance with me. If I get too "productive" I may fall. So I have found a healthy balance of good and bad behaviors. I still need my Netflix at times but not the morning. Our brains work in the A.M. so that is when you need to be the most creative.“

St. Pete, FL


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