Meet Yoga & Wellness Coach, Danielle McCourt!

Hey, girl! I’m so excited for you to meet Danielle McCourt! She’s a Marketing Pro turned Certified Yoga Instructor, is based in St. Pete, and loves to travel. She completed a 300 hour intensive in Bali as part of her professional & personal growth and you can find her teaching at Sukhalife Yoga on sunny Central Avenue in St. Pete and on her new YouTube channel full of Yoga & Meditation practices. Enjoy getting to know her through her words & stories! xx -Gina

Tell us about yourself and what you do!

Hi! So my roots are in Florida but I love to travel and explore the world. My favorite annual trip is snowboarding, but my all time favorite trip was to Italy for my honeymoon. (I love some good wine and cheese!) I'm married to a creative and inspiring man, have a vibrant step-son, two sweet kittens turning into cats, I love beach volleyball, have completed a few triathlons, and enjoy time with my close friends. I'm a yoga/meditation teacher and life coach, sharing online and local classes, workshops, programs and one-on-one offerings. 

How did your business begin?

It started when I was searching for a change in careers. I wanted to help people feel better in their lives. When I took my first yoga training I had this awakening moment and knew that I had to share it with others. So five years ago I took the leap from my marketing job, completed two yoga trainings and a health coaching certification, worked at a couple yoga studios, and now have a mixture of online and local offerings that include workshops, classes, private sessions and programs. 

What's 1 challenge you've faced and how has it effected your business? What did you do to overcome it?

Honestly, my biggest challenge is self doubt. I can get caught up in comparing myself and then talking myself down. I have learned (through yoga practices) to trust in myself. To allow my authentic voice be just that. I don't have to know everything. I am still learning and growing in my life and in my teachings every single day. 

What's 1 success you've had since you’ve created your business? How do you feel when you look back on it?

Workshops. I love teaching workshops. But I was so nervous because (back to the last question) self doubt - what if I didn't have an answer, what if I wasn't good enough? My first workshop was fun and light - a nice way to ease in. But my 2nd workshop ever had over 50 people in it! And I rocked it! 

What's the best piece of advice you could give someone looking to start a business?

Be true to yourself and what your desires are. 

What's a pivot you've made in your business?

A couple months ago I launched my YouTube channel. This has been an intention of mine for the past few years and I finally did it! It's a pivot point because I want to move my offerings primarily online. It's a work in progress but an exciting time! 

When are you at your happiest?

Oh good question. I'm happiest in the present moment. Yes, very yogi of me to say. But really the present is all we have. But to add to that I'm really happy when I'm traveling or when I have a nice night in with my husband and close friends. 

What do you tell yourself when things get difficult?

You got this. 

Whats 1 personal goal you've set for yourself this year?

Be BOLD. My intention this year is to go out of my comfort zone and make things happen. 

What's 1 business goal you've set for yourself to accomplish this year?

Grow my online offerings. 

What's the first thing you do on a Monday morning?

Workout, shower, drink some coffee, make breakfast, meditate, check my planner - All of these things get me going, clear and restore my energy and get me focused. 

Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Friday night?

Sipping some wine and watching a move with my hubby. 

Finish these sentences:

My go to karaoke song is… Spice Girls - “Wannabe”.

My favorite cocktail is… French 75

My favorite quote is… “Fill your life with what brings you joy.”


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